

The Wolf

( ً 傭兵; ) → *Merciless Mercenary! ᵕ̈
➫ Gunslinging hellhound with a distant past tainted in sin. His name "Ren Izanagi" is dead only to be reborn once more. Hire him under the name "Rez"...
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤCodename: Rez
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤOccupation: Freelancer / Security
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤAliases: Raid / Wolf / Drifter
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤAge: Unknown
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤGender: ♂
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤBirthday: Unknown — ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ(August 13ᵗʰ 199X (?))
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤHeight: 6'2'' (1.88m)
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤWeight: 180lbs (81kg)
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤBlood type: O -

➫ Casual attire consists of a sleeveless gray or similar dark-colored hoodie over a long-sleeved black undershirt, typically having the sleeves rolled up to expose his tattoos. Other outfits include dark-colored button-ups worn in a similar fashion, paired with either a gray or white undershirt; additionally, he may simply wear a short-sleeved shirt should the weather be appropriate. His lower body consists of either faded loose jeans or black cargo pants, accompanied by either street shoes or combat boots. Of course, his clothing selection is not limited to these specific choices, only to be dictated by weather and occasion.
ㅤㅤㅤ ➫ Noteworthy features include crimson irises, along with tattoo sleeves of various tribal designs, starting from the collarbone down both arms up to the wrists, colored a deep shade of black, and clearly evident when not wearing any long-sleeved apparel. He also hosts multiple scars along his torso; a bullet scar on his left shoulder, and large slash scar on his left side, and claw scars on the right part of his chest to name a few. The rest of his body remains relatively unscathed. Occasionally dark circles may surround his oculars, signifying an ongoing sleep issue that continues to plague his everyday life.
➫ Rez's hair is jet black, a little bit shaggy with piercing red eyes that intimidate his prey if the mood comes to him.
ㅤㅤㅤ ➫ Rez's weapon of choice is Dual Short Blades or a Handgun accompanied by a Dagger with his signature skill being Resilience.
➫ He is a Tank/DPS class who aims directly for his mark without hesitation...


Initial conceptions interpret Rez as docile and indifferent, making the occasional joke, and open to small talk or further conversation. He may also be cold and unresponsive, depending on circumstance, his word choice being blunt and tactless. Should subjects shift to business or combat, his demeanor transitions to more serious undertones. Occasionally he may show some degree of goodwill to the occasional stranger or stray animal, reasons being of his own. But upon further analysis, he can be dense and callous, lacking in some human emotions such as mercy and apathy. Personal habits may cause him to be rather skeptical, which may be seen as a negative asset in some situations. However, he is not averse to opening up to others, depending on the subject matter and the current standing held with the other individual(s).

In high-intensity situations, such as combat and negotiations, a greater hostility is emitted, killing intent left unchecked and even purposefully shown to intimidate adversaries. However, when at odds with forces with no perceivable vulnerabilities, his stubborn side may show, and in the process may even endanger his own well-being for a chance at victory. But he does show some restraint when against those he respects or retains certain emotions towards.
Rez can be attributed to having rather attractive features, and further cases show that he is an animal in not just the battlefield, but also in suggestive situations.

Well defined features with traces of Asian and Greek heritage. However, his lineage remains unknown. On a nearly daily basis, his facade is one of cold neutrality or weary indifference. Rez seems to be of outstanding physical condition, excelling in speed and dexterity with equally formidable strength.

Found on the doorstep of an unnamed orphanage on the thirteenth of August, 'Ren Izanagi' had nothing but a notecard with that name. This was but the beginning of a life of hardship that has forged his character into what is seen today. Maybe, just maybe if he had stayed at the orphanage, Ren may have lived a relatively normal life, as it was only at this period he had known 'peace'. But at the age of 5, the next chapter of his life has led him to be adopted by, on initial appearances, a normal aged couple. However, this was when his place in life made its roots.

His new 'parents' were plagued with infertility, and the adoption of Ren was their only option of continuing a sick lineage of war-obsession and the glorification of battle. Past ancestry was ripe with warriors and soldiers of ages past, and raising a child was second to raising someone ready for the next conflict. At this point, the name 'Ren' would be replaced with 'Raid', and his upbringing was akin to becoming a child soldier. A few scars seen on his body remain as evidence of his younger self, along with a hidden sadistic side that may have been birthed at this time. Yet he manages to persevere, even awakening some unknown innate abilities that he assumed were just uncommon qualities that he happened to have; improved healing, more adept senses, higher strength than normal, and tremendous stamina. He also tends to pick up on what's being taught rather easily, even to the point of just seeing the action but once to be able to mimic the activity with little difficulty.

School was one of the few places where 'peace' could still be found for Raid. He excelled in his subjects, and was often praised by teachers, and had offers into higher education. Even love bloomed and tranquility balanced with his adopted parents' maltreatment. But this felicity could only last for so long. An altercation between his girlfriend and a group of ill-mannered upperclassmen has led to his first taste of blood... His first experience of taking a life. His girlfriend was appalled when seeing him, as the look in his eyes was not that of remorse, but of... invigoration. Scandal, the loss of face, life once again played its sick game on him. It was only by the pulling of strings by his 'parents', who were actually elated by the incident, that Raid was able to evade juvenile detention and transfer elsewhere, but the repercussions of his crimes still followed.

At the conclusion of education, and much due to his adopted parents' influence, Raid's next step in life was into the armed forces. And again, the hands that pull on the threads of fate decide to give him some respite, as comradery gave him hope and reason that maybe there is more to his life than simply being a vessel to continue a cursed lineage. Yet it was during his first tour of duty that this sense of optimism was nothing more than a pipe dream, as errors in command led to the total annihilation of the company that Raid was a part of. His teammates, his brothers-in-arms during training, all wiped out because of pride from the hire-ups. Perhaps... He himself died there with them, as the dog tags that identified him as Raid were tossed into the toxic flames of war. The whole debacle itself was swept under the rug by high command, so even if an investigation were underway, nothing could be found. And it was here Raid died, and the 'drifter' decided on the name Rez.

Knowing nothing but war and conflict, he had little choice but to take up the career path of being a mercenary. Initially starting out with small militias and warbands in the area of Raid's death, experience after experience, scar after scar, soon Rez would sign on with the larger private military companies. Yet no solace could be found any time soon, and after a detestable job involving black gold and a local tribe, he cut himself off from working with large companies out of newly founded morals, making the decision of becoming a lone wolf, and the hardships that came along with it. It was also after that one contract when new tattoos would be painted onto his arms, covering old wounds with new ink that would force him to remember what happened whenever there is a lapse in judgment.

A year after going solo, and to his own dismay, Rez signed on with a small PMC, where he learned most of the skills that he now employs to this day. Hesitant in the beginning, this new group slowly grew on his syndrig nature, where once more the essence of companionship was made known, and for once, the wolf found a pack to hunt with, to bond with, a real family after all the fake ones of the past. They were among the best, the strongest, the most requested of any other PMC of their scale. Rez learned all he could from their members and had his own set of skills unique to their arsenal that made him a valued member of the team.

And like a shadow, the fates have determined that enough peace was given, the time for dismay was at hand. A bad contract, a planned framing, any number of factors could be blamed, but the conclusion was the same; the decimation of the 'pack', leaving only Rez and two others alive and forced to go their separate ways. At times he could still make contact with them, but the wounds of the past run so deep that they could never work together on a job if given the choice.

After the incident, Rez continues to live as a lone mercenary for hire, taking contracts that align with his own morals. But his time with the pack has allowed him to employ other methods of acquiring income, mainly in stock investment. Although not shown in his personal life, he has acquired vast amounts of profits, just enough to employ numerous safe houses and asset usage across Earth yet still allow him to live modestly comfortable. The demons of his past seldom come around, and for once in his life, he was truly free. But with this freedom comes a loss of direction, of purpose. An aimless existence that simply fulfills base desires of combat, hunger, and fornication. And the strongest of his desires, he continues to fight to fulfill a bloodthirst forced upon him, or perhaps this desire blooms from some other internal force.

Over time, his views have broadened. The world of humans was the only one he's known since birth, but after the dissolution of his team, he's come across and even taken contracts for, otherworldly entities that may have been a fantasy in another life. Elves, dragons, anthropomorphic warships, he has seen more than he could process at any time. Perhaps it was only coincidence, or perhaps he was connected to the other side in some unseen way. But the fact doesn't change that he lives to fight, even if his adversary may be several stories higher than he.

There would be a time when he would meet someone, someone different from all the failed relationships he has had in the past. Someone who actually gives him a reason to return, someone whom he wants to give up his destructive lifestyle for, to see the next dawn with, to be at her side for as long as he lived. Perhaps this would be true peace after a lifetime of strife, an answer to his prayers. His redemption.

Yet his curse remains, and only time will tell if he should find a cure, or repeat his past over and over.


Light – Handgun/Submachine gun (situational), dual karambit-style blades, 10x throwing daggers

Standard - Battle rifle/shotgun + light loadout set, additional grenades (dependent on mission)

Heavy - Highest ammo/grenade capacity, heavy weapons + light loadout set

Special – Reforged katana, battle rifle/shotgun, or bow/crossbow + light loadout set

Lupus Adaptive
Rez' default fighting style, utilizing speed, fluidity, and environmental features to assist in his attacks. Through constant training with various weaponry, this stance allows Rez to utilize whatever tool or feature available to chain combos into a single flow that may often leave single opponents unable to react and groups of enemies to be dispatched with haste. Unarmed attacks typically involve palm strikes and extensive use of kicks to locations of high damage; eardrums, knee sides, etc. If in close range, grapple flourishes may be executed at the end of combos, resulting in massive damage and possible crippling to the target. Long guns can also be utilized in melee combat in this stance, and allow for quicker transitions between armaments if needed. He is able to switch between his two combat stances at any given time, however, this form cannot be used during Anima Release.

Lupus Mortem
Rez's secondary combat style and default stance while in stealth, with a heavier focus on melee that sacrifices defense in favor of higher damage output. Additionally, the less armor he has equipped while in this stance, the greater his speed and damage output will be. While in this stance, rather than utilize a variety of weapons depending on availability, he instead opts towards either using dual daggers or a combination of dagger and handgun. His attack pattern focuses on swift strikes without rest, in conjunction with haphazard sidearm shots or knife throws, depending on the weapon used. Certain passive skills such as Akuma's Claw and Continuation shine brightest in this fighting style, allowing for chain combos that delay any suitable response by the target. However, he is unable to block attacks while in this form, instead of having to either dodge or parry. Lupus Mortem is automatically switched to when Anima Release is triggered, but once the trigger has concluded, Rez is able to switch back to Lupus Adaptive if he so chooses.


Grit - Death can afford to wait. At the end of any melee combo, Rez has a 15% chance to recover a small portion of health. Does not apply when Anima Release is triggered.

Vanguard Shooter - The closer, the better. Years of training and combat has allowed Rez to properly utilize ranged weapons in close quarters, allowing for a 15% attack bonus if within 10 meters of the target, and a 30% attack bonus when within 5 meters of the target.

Akuma's Claw - Give no respite. His relentless combat style allows for a 25% chance of stunning his opponent at the end of each melee combo.

Shadow Stalker - It is not water, but a darkness that washes away all sins. With infiltration being his job specialization, stealth has become second nature for the lone wolf. His footsteps are always muted, and his body carries no scent for him to be identified with. Rez also gains a stealth bonus when in darkness.

Continuation - Rest is reserved for the dead. Combat has become instinct for Rez, and at the end of any combo, both ranged and in melee, additional attacks are delivered with a 20% chance of immediately starting another combo.

Assassinate Ω - If the first strike doesn't kill them, guarantee the second will. Although a mercenary, assassinations are well within his repertoire. When the enemy's health is lower than his own, Rez gains a 50% attack bonus against his target. If the target has less than 12% health remaining, there is a high chance for his next attack to be an instant kill. Additionally, all his stealth attacks always result in critical hits.

Lone Operator - If you can't do it yourself, don't rely on others to clean your mess. Working solo has always been his specialty. When operating alone, Rez gains health and defense bonuses of up to 20%. However, if working alongside three or more humanoid allies, his health and defense are reduced by 5% for each additional ally.

Anima Release - I want to live, if it means seeing her one more time. A final burst of inhuman energy, a gift from one who has touched the wolf's heart. When health reaches critical levels, Rez's attack, speed, and overall defense increase dramatically for 10 minutes. By the end of the occurrence, all stats are cut by half until his health has fully recovered. Can only occur once every 48 hours.

Resilience - Dying just isn't in my nature. Perhaps another aspect to the gift given by his Lunarian benefactor. Rez is able to withstand instant-kill attacks within a 10-second window with a single health point remaining, and at the end of the occurrence, Anima Release is automatically triggered. Can only occur once every 48 hours.

Merciless Predation - Stop wasting time, end it already. When entering combat, Rez has a 75% chance of instantly identifying the weak points of any enemy type, with a small chance of automatically marking said weak points for allies to exploit.



A love thought impossible, a chance for a different future. Whether it be his persistence, his idiocy, or a combination of both, the once lonesome mercenary was able to melt the once untouchable Lunarian goddess of her icy shell. And even with the constant bickering and fights, she is the one whom he wishes to spend the rest of his life with. And will fight tooth and nail to ensure that future, and to give her the hope she once lost.

"You are an idiot..."

Name: Yuzuki Yukari
Gender: ♀
Race: Lunarian
Birthday: December 22ᶰᵈ
Title: The Fruit Rabbit / Bunny
Occupation: Idol

Feline Companion

A stray found at a time when the wolf was at his lowest, and a companion that awaits his return from missions in the years that follow. Though their perception of one another may be an enigma, 'Dog' still loyally waits at home even if the option of freedom is always available. And his presence has often maintained Rez' sanity through turbulent times.


Aggressive meows at 3AM

Name: Dog
Gender: ♂
Race: Felis Catus Turkish Van
Birthday: Unknown, Adopted January 8ᵗʰ
Title: N/A
Occupation: Pet

Full Body Image

Commission by Reveriesky

©: Yoru from the Miyama-Uguisu Mansion Incident (Ao no Exorcist one-shot)
Wanuki Akira from artist 夏生 @720ge
Rin Okumura
Type: Original Character
Genre: Versatile
Style: Mirror / Narrative
Universe: Multiverse
℗ : SleepySoup